700 islands and cays to explore. 13+ Swimming Pigs. 1 Travel Butler for each client.
So little time to discover it all.
That’s why we’re here: to help you plan where to stay, when, and what to do. We want our guests to experience the best that The Bahamas have to offer. And don’t worry, we’re here to help media houses, too.
If you can’t tell, we’re madly in love with The Bahamas’ unofficial mascots, the swimming pigs.
But as much as we love them, there’s more to the islands than these little guys. Have you met the frolicking nurse sharks, our fearsome but friendly iguanas, or the dancing flamingos? We can introduce you to these, and all the other wonders that The Bahamas have to offer.
Whether it’s trying the must-eat Bahamian meals, exploring new hotels, learning about cultural changes, uncovering the latest travel trends, or getting the lowdown on everything Bahamas-related, we love introducing media, storytellers, photographers, writers, producers, and our guests to discover the authentic Bahamas that we know and love.
If you’re looking to run a story about us, or need help with a story you’re creating, contact us here. We’d love to give you an interview, some quotes, provide you with insights or visuals—basically, help you showcase The Bahamas to the world.